Queer Easter 2001

Workshops | Theatre-Group


Our media working group was a mixture of really serious discussions, hard work and lots and lots of fun!

In the beginning we were playing pantomime - showing and discussing gay and lesbian stereotypes and situation of discrimination. We had controversy TV discussions on the pros and cons on homosexual education in schools and coming out in general.

In several role plays we practised some situations that could happen in real life: you're outed and have to cope with the reaction of your family, you as a gay/lesbian educator/teacher or are confronted with angry parents of youngsters.

You and your gay activist group want to get money from the local government for some gay activities in your hometown.

The final presentation shows some of the results of the work - we use theatre as a good practise for upcoming "real" situations (but of course, jokes and drag queens also appear in the performance).

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