Queer Easter 2001

Participants | Rowdy


Hello I`m Rowdy. I`m 21 and I live in the Dutch city Utrecht (238000 inhabitants). There I´m studying physics.

Now I`m out for 7 months. Mostly the reactions were positive, nobody was negative. Only my parents were having troubles in the beginning. But it`s normal if you don`t expect someone to be gay.

I´m very happy that I was born in this time and in this country, because in Holland the people are very tolerant and accepting Homosexuality. 30 years ago it was much harder to it. Today I can walk freely hand in hand with my boy-friend everywhere.

The only thing I`d like to change is the abortion law to be stricter. I think abortion should be commited until the 12th week but now you can have it until the 22th week and that is really immoral.

My boy-friend is in the IUSY-organisation. I decided to join him on thuesday when I heard that half of the participation-fee is paid by my organisation. So I hitch-hiked all the way to berlin to participate queer easter and to check out if my boy-friend behaves himself. Many people from Holland did not go because it was to expensive exspecially the travel costs.

I expected like it is - just a relaxed atmosphere. A lot of people are gay and they have the same political ideas like me.

Be queer!

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