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Queer Easter 2000
Queer life in Poland

We present here an interview with TADA Member Anna:

What does it mean "TADA"?

These are first letters from names but to bee honest I don’t know exactly. Is it Tomek + Anna or maybe + Agnieszka...?

When was this organisation founded?

About 5 years ago when the amount of HIV positive increased in Poland a lot.

tada.jpg (23680 Byte) So TADA wanted to stop it?

Yes. We are spreading the idea of prevention and sexual education which is not so easy in Poland. As you know the catholic church doesn’t accept for example condoms and one of our activities is to give them to the jung people in discos, night clubs and queer bars.

Also on the country?

There is not a single queer club on the polish country sight. We concentrate on the big cities like Warsaw, Gdansk or Szczecin. We also have our stands at the youth festivals.

Who does work for you?

Our streetworkers and volunteers try to meet people with the high risk of getting AIDS like prostitution’s, drug addicted or whole families addicted to other drugs like alcohol. They teach gays and lesbians how to avoid HIV and how to live with it – also for example at the railway station and public toilets since queers meet there as well.

Do you co-operate with some gay-lesbian organisations?

Yes, with the biggest one in Poland called Lambda.

Does TADA really help to save young polish people from AIDS.

If somebody used the condom even ones because of our activities – we did our job.

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